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How can I find out information about the USS Yankee (clock).

I posses a Seth Thomas ships clock that was my father's. I am trying to find out more about this clock. He was career Navy, retiring in 1956 as Lt. Cmdr in USN. The clock is mounted in a piece of old wood, with a small plaque that states the years of service of the USS Yankee. The sinking of the USS Yankee pre-dates the clock. So I am wondering if perhaps my father was involved in one of the failed salvage operations of the ship. And perhaps the piece of wood was from the debris of that ship.

I am aware of the following info:

ANny help would be appreciated,

2 Answers

I have a clock that matches this description exactly - have you heard anything about this or found anything out?

No, I have not learned anything new about the clock since posting above question.

The wood has interesting character (deep grooves in the grain). Was it water logged, or in a fire? Not sure.
The plaque says:
USS Yankee
R Mason (pretty sure that is an "R")

Can you describe yours, and how did you come to acquire it?


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