Looking to purchase a used towable side scan sonar
Where can I find info about the Oconto that ran aground in Saginaw Bay around 1885?
Hi, Anyone have any thoughts regarding low cost magnetometers? Thinking about a tow fish situation to map areas around several islands. THX
Deep Vision Side Scan Sonar Questions on software
What is a line boat?
How to i convert the listed gps numbers in this site in degrees, minute, seconds, and .seconds into the format my gps uses degree minutes.mm
Jim, I wrote to you previously on the eBay site concerning sub-bottom profilers. I have more questions if you have the time. Brad?
Hi, I'm thinking of buying a Lowrance HDS® High-Def System with StructureScan™ Sonar Imaging Option. Any advice? Pros/Cons??? Thank
The National Museum of the Great Lakes is excited to announce the release of a new book titled Shipwrecks of Lake Ontario: A Journey of Discovery. This book contains stories of long lost shipwrecks and the journeys of the underwater explorers who found them, written by Jim Kennard with paintings by Roland Stevens and underwater imagery by Roger Pawlowski.
The recent discovery of the wreck of the British warship Ontario, “the Holy Grail” of Great Lakes shipwrecks, solves several mysteries that have puzzled historians since the ship sank more than two centuries ago. Now, for the first time, the whole tragic story of the Ontario can finally be told.